
Per dare risposte, abbiamo pensato di creare uno strumento d’aiuto per te che hai, hai avuto, o hai paura di avere un tumore. O a te che sei una delle tante persone che stanno vicino a questi malati che ti preoccupi per loro.

Abbiamo progettato YouTumor per aiutarvi a capire la malattia. Per capire ciò che sta succedendo o può succedere, perché le cose vanno bene o perché non vanno bene. Certe volte la malattia può essere davvero terribile, altre volte invece è meno pericolosa di quanto si possa pensare.

Lo spirito con cui abbiamo realizzato YouTumor è aiutare e sostenere chi sta attraversando una delle prove più difficili della vita. La conoscenza è la chiave per farcela. Benvenuti.


YouTumor is dedicated to those who have cancer, or are afraid they may have cancer. It is also dedicated to those who are close to these patients and are worried about them. YouTumor helps to understand in a simple and immediate way what is happening or may happen, why things are going well and why they are not going well.

Thanks to this platform, the patient is guided to immediately find the answers to his ‘burning questions’ by navigating through interactive flowcharts.

The latest news in oncology is warranted by the continuous update of the site.


YouTumor is dedicated to those who have cancer, or are afraid they may have cancer. It is also dedicated to those who are close to these patients and are worried about them. YouTumor helps to understand in a simple and immediate way what is happening or may happen, why things are going well and why they are not going well.

Thanks to this platform, the patient is guided to immediately find the answers to his ‘burning questions’ by navigating through interactive flowcharts.

The latest news in oncology is warranted by the continuous update of the site.

Definitions used in this website.

Alberto Sobrero

Oncology Professor

Alberto Sobrero received his medical degree from the University of Genoa in 1978.
He was a researcher in Medical Oncology at Yale University, Connecticut, USA, from 1980 to 1984. Before returning to Italy in 1986, he completed a residency in Internal Medicine at the Yale affiliated Norwalk Hospital in 1985. He was Associate Professor in Medical Oncology at the University of Florence and Udine before becoming Head of the Medical Oncology Unit at the Ospedale San Martino in Genoa, Italy in 2001.
Professor Sobrero is a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the
American Association for Cancer Research, the European Society for Medical
Oncology, and several Italian scientific societies. From 2002 to 2006, Professor
Sobrero was the Chairman of the Protocol Review Committee of the European
Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer and has been part of the faculty of the ASCO-AACR-FECS courses in Europe for 7 years.
He served on the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Oncology , has been part of the Scientific Committee of ASCO ,the Educational Committee of ESMO, Chair of the GI committee and has been the Chairman of the ESMO Nominating Committee. He also received the 2016 ESMO award and has been the chairman of the scientific committee of ESMO Congress Madrid 2017. He is an author of 230 original scientific pubblications.

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